Please complete the booking form by choosing your services, selecting an available session date & time, provide access information, and any special instructions. A confirmation email will be sent to confirm your booking..
For orders with an image selection process by agent, proofs will be sent by morning after the session, if not earlier. Please submit selections by time requested in your proofing email to avoid an delays. If selections are made by us, please expect your final images to be delivered within 24-48 hours depending on the complexity of the listing.
Please note that ALL images delivered by COMMON GROUND is solely for the use on MLS sites for the sole intention selling the shown property. All images delivered by COMMON GROUND come with a limited usage license which ends when the listing is either SOLD, LEASED, or CANCELED. Any use other than that will require a commercial usage license or a written agreement signed by an agent at COMMON GROUND. Feel free check out our commercial projects at cocooncommercial.com.